Whoops! You're looking at the website for a Public Debate that's already happened! If you were there, we hope you enjoyed it. If you weren't there, shame on you.
Hoping to see more in the Public Debate series? Don't panic, we'll be back. Make sure you follow us on FB to get all the latest updates!
Hoping to see more in the Public Debate series? Don't panic, we'll be back. Make sure you follow us on FB to get all the latest updates!
"Nuclear energy, in terms of an overall safety record, is better than other energy"
- Bill Gates, Co-Founder of Microsoft,
"Nuclear power and fossil fuels are the choices of the past."
- Hermann Scheer, Former General Chairman of the World Council for Renewable Energy
Don't believe either argument? Neither do we.
Inspired by the immense success of their first collaboration with the UQ Science Faculty, the organisers from the UQDS who brought you "AI: The Public Debate" are back. But this time, things are getting hot. Nuclear hot.
With energy policy currently one of the hottest topics in Australia , this debate will breathe new life into the controversial issue of Australia's involvement with nuclear power.
You'll be able to hear the perspective of renowned academics and researchers, as they battle it out to try and convince you whether or not "Australia should embrace nuclear power".
Make sure you follow our Facebook Event to stay up to date!
What you need to know.
Topic: That Australia should embrace nuclear power
Date: Monday 23rd October
Time: 5:30pm
Place: 49-200, (Advanced Engineering Building, UQ)
Food: Free food provided after the debate*
RSVP: Check out our Facebook Event
Who's Speaking?
Questions? Concerns? Just looking for a chat?
Don't stress, just email us [email protected]
Otherwise, give fb a go facebook.com/UQDebatingSociety
* We know, we under-catered last time. Sorry about that. How are we fixing that? Well, we're doubling the amount of food. Literally doubling it. You're welcome.